
Yu-Chun Lo born and raised in New Taipei city, Taiwan and now based in Eindhoven, the Netherlands. Lo’s works explore interpersonal relations and those between humans and other life forms with emphasis on their paradoxical nature and cognitive structures. By applying anthropological qualitative methods such as participant observation and field research in her works, Lo becomes more sensible of the nuances in the subjects, which also allows her to examine how her own perceptions evolve. Most of her works are created through the media of videos, documentaries, installations and workshops.

羅伃君生於台灣,現居於荷蘭,畢業於安荷芬設計學院, 專注於探討人與人、人與生物以及生活中的矛盾關係、文化認知與建構,因而對人類學的參與觀察法、田野調查等質性研究方法很感興趣,並試圖運用這些方法融入創作並從中獲得更細緻的感受,同時也反向地在創作過程中觀察自己的認知變化。她的作品目前多半以錄像、紀錄片、裝置、工作坊等形式作為創作載體。

Mail hellolofi@gmail.com


2020  Design Academy Eindhoven (Netherlands)
BA - Man & Communication
安荷芬設計學院 - 學士   


2021 Dec. “Taipei Art Awards”, Selected Award 台北美術獎 -入選


2024 May “Convergence: Artistic Explorations from Nature to Society” National Applied Research Laboratories, Taipei, Taiwan

2023 Apr. “THE ANIMAL FARM SIMULATOR”,  Hyundai Blue Prize Art+Tech, Beijing, China

2022 “WeWe Futures:2040“, Taiwan Design Museum, Taipei, Taiwan
“WeWe Futures:2040 多元宇宙“,台灣設計博物館,台北,台灣

2022 Aug. "Entangled: bio/media", Chronus Art Center(CAC), Shanghai, China
“ 纏繞:生物/媒介” ,新時線媒體藝術中心,上海,中國

2021 Dec. “Taipei Art Awards”, Taipei Fine Art Museum. Taipei, TW 
“台北美術獎” ,台北市立美術館,台北,台灣

2021 Oct. “It’s in Our Nature” Dutch Design Week, Eindhoven, NL

2020 Nov.  “Sci-fi Prototype”, Taiwan Contemporary Culture Lab (C-LAB). Taipei, TW 
“科幻原型” 科技藝術實驗創新及輔導推動計畫 ,空總,台北,台灣

2020 Oct.  Dutch Design Week, Eindhoven, NL


2022 Aug. “Artificial Life, AI, Art and Altered Nature - Synthesis New Lives“ - Panel discussion - Chronus Art Center(CAC), Shanghai, China
“人工生命、人工智能、藝術和轉化的自然 :Chapter 2 合成新生命”生物藝術論壇。 新时线艺术中心、艾广人工智能藝術中心,上海,中國

2020 Oct.  “Beyond a Better History” - Panel discussion/ The Arena, Dutch Design Week 荷蘭設計週論壇,荷蘭