As a part of modern life, social media are shaping unique styles of communication with their particular interfaces. With the same features presented differently, the users often adapt their interaction and expression unknowingly. Yu-Chun Lo, inspired by this unknowing adaptation, wants to create an alternative way that makes users aware of how their behaviors are being structured and changed.
As offline communication often takes place with a shared meal, Lo designed a meal installation to reflect the app interface. Spoons that fill up every 30 seconds force the users to drink the soup to avoid overflow. Their interaction, interrupted consistently, is gradually regulated and necessary changes are made to accommodate the intervals. By imposing constraints on a meal, the interaction is disciplined and altered within a short amount of time. The users become aware of the fact that a new style of communication is adapted under the constraints.
自從社交軟體成為了當代生活中的一部份,不同的軟體介面設計漸漸形塑出不同風格的對話與溝通方式;即便大多數的功能是重疊的,但使用者仍在不知不覺中會因應不同的社交軟體而使用不同的形態交流互動與展現自我。 羅伃君對於這種不知不覺間被影響進而改變交流方式的現象感到有趣,想要透過另一種方式讓人更有意識的感知到自己行為被形塑與改變的過程。
相對於虛擬軟體上的交流,在現實生活中大眾最常選擇的互動場合便是飲食聚餐。 羅伃君將軟體介面轉化到食用過程的設計:她設計了一道裝置湯品,該裝置每30秒便會匯滿一勺湯匙的湯,因而參與者彼此間的互動每30秒便會被打斷,被迫需立刻將湯匙中的湯喝掉以免溢出,持續反覆的操作之後,參與者會慢慢適應30秒的節奏,改變說話的方式。透過改變食用方式同時影響與限制對話互動的型態,讓參與者能夠在短時間內從適應到改變,繼而感受到新的對話方式如何對兩者互動產生影響並創造新的對話風格。
June, 2019