The Three Little Pigs 三隻小豬

Three-Channel video installation


This three-channel video artwork unfolds through video chats between three pigs with different backgrounds—Holy Pig, Hog, and Pet Pig. They share their lives, worldviews, and perceptions of their owners. Through the juxtaposition of the pigs’ dialogue with scenes of their daily lives, this video artwork depicts how the same species can have vastly different life experiences and ways of understanding things due to the identities assigned to them by humans. The daily lives of the pigs are all shot by their owners, illustrating a mutual gaze between pigs on-screen and the viewers behind the camera.

        《三隻小豬》 以三頻道錄像描述了三種豬——神豬、肉豬與寵物豬的日常視訊閒聊。影片中牠們分享著彼此的生活瑣事和對世界的看法;均受到牠們從一出生就被人類命定的身份所影響——獻祭動物、食物和家庭伴侶。即便作為同一個物種,豬,牠們各自與人類發展出不同的關係和情感連結,而這個身份的差異所連帶引發的不同育種策略,同時也體現在牠們的生理特徵、外貌、壽命甚至是脾氣。

        作品試圖並置三種 「豬生」 以對照出牠們各自的生命旅程,羅伃君以其數年的採訪與田野調查所搜集而來的故事撰寫虛構的對白,影像則交由三隻豬的飼主以手機近距離拍攝豬的日常生活。三隻豬百般無聊賴的喃喃自語,每一句都投射著人類世的殘影,當觀眾看著影像中的豬時,牠們的眼睛也正凝視著鏡頭後面那個或親或疏的人類。



Consultant of Pig Farm Industry 肉豬顧問/
Professor Chien Kai WANG 王建鎧教授

Film 攝影/
Anita CHEN
Yen Hao SU 蘇衍皓
Yun Do LIN 林耘朵
Shu Hsun LO 羅書薰
Yu Chun LO 羅伃君

Image Archive 影像檔案/
Hakka TV (Taiwan)三立客家新聞台

This project supported by 
Coevolution Research Assembly本作品由共演化研究隊支持